How is emotional distress calculated?

This daily rate is multiplied by the number of days the victim is reasonably expected to experience emotional distress. In Alabama, there is no set amount for particular types of emotional distress.

How is emotional distress calculated?

This daily rate is multiplied by the number of days the victim is reasonably expected to experience emotional distress. In Alabama, there is no set amount for particular types of emotional distress. Each claim depends on its own merits and unique circumstances. The value of a lawsuit for emotional distress is not calculated by adding up a series of numbers, as is the case with economic damages.

Rather, compensation for emotional distress is related to how the injury affected your personal and work life. It can be difficult to put a number on emotional distress, but often this non-tangible experience will lead to a financial burden that can be summed up in concrete numbers. One way to get a dollar amount to represent your pain and suffering is to lose the value of any psychological treatment you have sought. Adding up the cost of the psychiatric treatments you needed as a result of your traumatic incident is one of the simplest methods of putting a number on emotional distress.

These types of compensation are called pain and suffering. In general, compensation for pain and suffering will be calculated by adding economic damages and multiplying them by a number between 1.5 and 5, depending on the severity of the injury. Multiply your total economic losses by one or two to estimate your pain and suffering pay. The result is the total amount you will require for the final settlement.

Although basic, this “multiple” method helps give a rough starting point for your demand.

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